

The situation that has long excited Europe’s agenda and is shown as Brexit; Britain’s departure from the European Union. Although this is the first time in education, the government has succeeded in making a wide range of students again with a referendum in 2016. Now it’s time to bring the difficult European Union to an agreement with minimum trade.

It is not easy to leave as a state that alone meets 18% of this trade chain that has lasted for more than 40 years. However, this situation has caused England to make profit and loss calculations.

As we know, England is the commercial partner of the European Union, which is the world’s largest market due to its geographical location and history. Despite being in a commercially rich geography, the United Kingdom, which is not limited in its region, has a very wide trade network from Canada to Australia.

In order to minimize the commercial losses and costs that may occur with its departure from the EU, we were in favor of obtaining mutually positive results in the negotiations with the EU. This attitude will affect all the countries of the world, regardless of the volume.

In this regard, he made his first commercial agreement with Japan on September 11, by agreeing in principle. It has also been agreed that 99% of the trade to be made will be tax-free, and this situation is likely to affect the diversity of the import items of the two countries in the long run.

In these days when there is a short time for Brexit, the UK government, which has a trade volume of 416.36 billion dollars with Turkey as of 2019, according to the data published by TIM, has made a comprehensive agreement with Turkey in order to maintain the profitable trade relationship at a high level and to minimize possible losses. Signing a trade agreement is of great importance.

While the trade network between the two countries is like this, there are some social and social risks that may arise for the citizens of the two countries due to Brexit and some regulations arising from the Ankara Agreement, which has received a lot of applications recently. They think that investors, who have the right of settlement with the agreement, will also be deprived of their existing rights due to the concern that the agreement will end after Brexit. The British government should also make this issue on the agenda in the bilateral meetings, taking into account the potential Turkish investor population residing in the UK territory.

Atak group of companies manager, İsmail Cem Iyitoglu, provides support to Turkish investors who want to invest and export to the United Kingdom and who want to continue their current trade, enabling their companies to get through the Brexit process with zero loss.

In this process, Atak provides market analysis and sustainability analysis in the United Kingdom, as well as providing all installation services for newly established companies for investors who want to have a residence permit with an investor visa with the Ankara Agreement.

Efforts are being made to create a representative office by assigning a special consultant to you, to carry out all negotiations on import and export in these representative offices, to increase brand awareness, and to meet all European demands.

In order to organize bilateral meetings, the ATAK group of companies becomes an external power for your company by providing quality service to its customers in these commercial investments and activities, like all sectors in which it operates.

During the Brexit process, the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Turkey has grants and incentives to a large extent. Among these incentives, Atak group of companies provides significant contributions to the participants, from following the application processes of the ones that are suitable for you and minimizing your costs.